Digital Evaluation


In today's competitive age technology plays a vital role to get through the success. Technology is capturing almost all the sectors, so as our Education Sector. In India there are number of examinations conducted each year, so we need a system for managing Examination Evaluation process.

KriRit India understands the problems and comes with the solution DIGITAL EVALUATION. We provide the solution to your problems at price perfectly suited to your pocket.

Today every educational institute want to shift from traditional paper-based marking to digital and a flawless marking system that help markers, as well as maintain computational accuracy and allow institutions to reach out to a wider network of markers and resources. Digital Evaluation is an efficient solution that assists markers to improve subjective examinations marking, by transforming the existing complex manual process into an accurate, transparent solution.

Digital Evalution is specifically designed for:

  • Universities and Boards
  • Schools and School Board,
  • Recruitment and Examination Bodies, etc.

Digital Evaluation comes with these modules:

  • DigiMarking
    • Digitalization of answer sheets – Bar-coding and Scanning
    • Live Marking
  • DigiResult
    • Processing of results and reports
    • Result Publishing and hosting
  • Scanning

Digital Evaluation is easy, faster and secure solution.

Business Benefits:

  • Cost Optimisation - Cost of transportation & logistics of answer books will be reduced.
  • Reduced Evaluation Time
  • Reduced result processing time
  • Time optimization in re-evaluation requests
  • Remove totalling errors.
  • Transparent marking
  • Resource optimization

Why KriRit India?

We at KriRit India believe in providing best products and services to our clients. We facilitate our clients with the guarantee that we follow the ethical and fundamental principles.

  • Reliability: We ensure that the products offered by us will provide our clients with the effective and fruitful results. We work for providing our clients with the best and reliable solutions in the industry.
  • Scalability: We ensure to provide products to our clients such that they are highly scalable and are up to their requirements.
  • Time saving: The use of this digital product has led to a huge saviour in time and cost. It has reduced the cost of papers and has enhanced the paper less procedures. It saves the time of the marker as well.
  • Secure and confidential: We ensure our clients that the information provided by them is very safe and secure. Also, we ensure to deliver patented solutions that are highly secured and based on computers. We work for the enhancement of our credibility.
  • Enhanced efficiency: We provide our clients with products and services to different segments in such a way that they can work in an efficient as well as user friendly manner. Also, these products help in maintaining accountability among different stakeholders.